2023-2024 PTSA Officers • Board of Directors • Committees

Executive Committee

President                                        Jennifer Rinker              president@libertyhighptsa.com

Vice President                                 Nicole Morgan               vicepresident@libertyhighptsa.com

Secretary                                       Stina Fluegge                secretary@libertyhighptsa.com

Treasurer                                       Josh Harlow                  treasurer@libertyhighptsa.com

Board Members

Advocacy                                       April Keim                      advocacy@libertyhighptsa.com

Board Member at Large                   OPEN                            boardmember@libertyhighptsa.com

Communications (social media)        Kristi Isaacs                  communications@libertyhighptsa.com

Diversity Equity & Inclusion (DEI)    Lovenia Hardin               dei@libertyhighptsa.com

Family & Community Engagement    Laura Ni

Membership                                   Elysa Piha                      membership@libertyhighptsa.com 

Outreach                                       Kristi Hammond              outreach@libertyhighptsa.com

25 Senior Events Chair                   Dawn Carr                     2025seniorevents@libertyhighptsa.com ____________________________________________________________________________________ 

Committee Chairpersons

Awards                                            OPEN                          awards@libertyhighptsa.com

Campus Beautification                      OPEN                          campusbeautification@libertyhighptsa.com

Community Service Cords                 Kim Wales                   commservcords@libertyhighptsa.com

Directory                                         Dawn Carr                   directory@libertyhighptsa.com

Grants                                             Board of Directors        grants@libertyhighptsa.com

Influence the Choice (ITC)                 April Keim                   influence@libertyhighptsa.com

Issaquah Schools Foundation (ISF)    OPEN

Nominating Committee                     OPEN                         nominatingcommittee@libertyhighptsa.com

ParentWiser                                     OPEN                         parented@libertyhighptsa.com

Reflections                                       Jessica Anderson         reflections@libertyhighptsa.com

Staff Appreciation                             Patty Harlow               staffappreciation@libertyhighptsa.com 

2026 Fundraiser Chair                       OPEN                         2026seniorevents@libertyhighptsa.com 

2027 Fundraiser Chair                       Nicole Morgan             2027seniorevents@libertyhighptsa.com

2028 Fundraiser Chair                       OPEN


Senior Events:

Event Organizers/Committee Chairs:

Senior Sunrise -  OPEN

Senior Breakfast - OPEN

Senior Night of Reflection - OPEN

Senior Sunset - OPEN

Grad Night Party - OPEN



As an affiliate of the largest volunteer child advocacy association in the nation, the Liberty High School PTSA provides parents and families with a powerful voice to speak on behalf of every child while providing the best tools for parents to help their children be successful students. 

Liberty High School PTSA is a private, non-profit organization with members dedicated to the service of the students, parents and staff of Liberty High School. Membership in our PTSA supports many programs and events that benefit Liberty students and our community.

We are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and your donations to PTSA are tax deductible.